Genetic variation in the TLL1 gene is not associated with fibrosis in patients with metabolic associated fatty liver disease.

Genetic variation in the TLL1 gene is not associated with fibrosis in patients with metabolic associated fatty liver disease.

Bayoumi A, Jalil I, Metwally M, Adams LA, Aller R, García-Monzón C, Arias-Loste MT, Miele L, Petta S, Craxì A, Gallego-Durán R, Fischer J, Berg T, Qiao L, Liddle C, Bugianesi E, Romero-Gomez M, George J, Eslam M. PLoS One. 2020 Dec 11;15(12):e0243590. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243590.

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